uses a holistic approach that emphasizes the connection between nutrition and psychological aspects. Often, people compensate for emotional needs or stress through eating, which can reinforce unhealthy behaviour patterns in the long term. The solution lies not only in nutritional knowledge but in the comprehensive consideration of all the life dimensions:
body, psyche, social relationships, space, time, and meaningful spirituality.
The aim of Psychological Nutrition Counselling is to uncover the causes of eating behaviours and recognize true needs through active listening and targeted questions. This approach facilitates positive changes and helps to strengthen self-confidence. Balancing these life dimensions not only supports healthy eating but also enhances well-being, inner fulfillment, and pleasure.

Psychological Nutrition Counselling
The focus is on recognizing individual imbalances and promoting sustainable changes that manifest in both external and internal aspects. Improved body awareness and a healthy relationship with food and one's own body are central goals that can be achieved through mindful eating, recognizing needs, and appropriate exercise.
What is nutrition-psychology?
uses a holistic approach that emphasizes the connection between nutrition and psychological aspects. Often, people compensate for emotional needs or stress through eating, which can reinforce unhealthy behaviour patterns in the long term. The solution lies not only in nutritional knowledge but in the comprehensive consideration of all the life dimensions:
body, psyche, social relationships, space, time, and meaningful spirituality.
The aim of Psychological Nutrition Counselling is to uncover the causes of eating behaviours and recognize true needs through active listening and targeted questions. This approach facilitates positive changes and helps to strengthen self-confidence. Balancing these life dimensions not only supports healthy eating but also enhances well-being, inner fulfillment, and pleasure.

Psychological Nutrition Counselling
The focus is on recognizing individual imbalances and promoting sustainable changes that manifest in both external and internal aspects. Improved body awareness and a healthy relationship with food and one's own body are central goals that can be achieved through mindful eating, recognizing needs, and appropriate exercise.